I’m wondering whether or not you have ever had the Lord provide you with what you might call “a clear message” – a calling of sorts. I just spent the month of February in what might be called a ‘funk’! I’ve been unable to make any headway in promoting my book and that’s because each morning when I get up, other things always seem to interfere with my best of intentions – at least, that’s my excuse!
That’s why – this weekend, I was so blessed to have a turn around in not only how I’m feeling physically, but most of all how I’ve been refreshed in my spirit.
I believe God was reminding me that the theme of my book and the messages it contains are important and are from Him.
There were 3 words that jumped out at me from 4 different places that I’d like to share with you today and how I believe they relate to my situation and how I’m reminded that I must carry on encouraging people to consider how my book can be helpful to friends and family.
1st is “HOPE” – On Saturday, at the funeral service of a wonderful godly woman, the pastor included in his message a Scripture passage where this word hope is highlighted “Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no HOPE.” 1 Thessalonians 4:13 and then later after the service, in conversation with one of her grandchildren, a young man of about 25, I was inspired again as he shared how he’s so sad to see that so many of his generation are either atheist or agnostic mainly because they seem to have no HOPE!
Now to God’s next reminder focusing on HOPE. This morning ‘Alistair Begg’ a wonderful Scottish pastor shared a message on his daily podcast reminding his listeners why The Word of God (Old and New Testaments) are so important to us: “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have HOPE” Romans 15:4
Consider for a moment the subtitle of my book “HOPE FOR TODAY’S INQUIRING MINDS”. In Chapter 2 the question I look at is “Where can I go to get Answers?” Of course the answer is the Bible (the whole Bible) where we are are encouraged and where we find Hope. Our world desperately needs a message of Hope and I need to keep up the challenge of putting that message in front of as many people as possible in the days and weeks ahead.
2nd is a phrase “GOOD NEWS” – Now we move along to Sunday Morning as my husband and I were preparing our hearts for worship focusing on a devotion provided by Our Daily Bread Ministry. The title was “THE JOY OF GOOD NEWS” based on Isaiah 61:1 “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor (afflicted)”, I’m sure you can see how this was also a clear affirmation from the Lord for me. Not only because of the title of my book ‘QUESTIONS, ANSWERS and GOOD NEWS’ but also because from the beginning of my writing this book, I felt it had to be focused on Good News. That all 30 chapters looking at possible questions people are asking (as we cope with an upside down world) needed to provide God’s Good News Answers. So again I feel called to continue putting it in front of as many people as possible.
The 3rd word is “PROMISES” – How blessed I was to sit under the teaching of our Pastor on Sunday Morning where he shared a message titled “Promise Giver/Promise Keeper” based on 2 Peter 1: 3-4 “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness. Through these He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”
So how does that fit in with why I believe God was speaking into my spirit. See if you might agree? You see Chapters 19-27 in my book come under the section entitled “Questions on God’s Promises”. The first 2 ( Is there anyone whose Promises I can believe? and How can God keep all His Promises?) inspire the reader to realize that God is a Promise Giver and a Promise Keeper just as Major Wil reminded us.
I’m hoping you’ll be encouraged and excited to not only read the entire book as you’ve heard God’s affirming messages to me over these past 2 days but you will see how it can be a blessing to others you might know who are wandering in the wilderness with little Hope, Good News or Promises they can depend on, as we seem to be so bombarded by hopelessness, bad news and promises that are seldom kept.
Thank You Lord for refreshing my spirit and reminding me “You are in control” and that you have a plan for my life and I believe for our book.
“Jeremiah 29: 11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Wise words. Hope is what i hold on to. Jeremiah 29 11 is my go to verse when i struggle. To be assured that God knows the plans he has for me. Gives me hope for today and Tomorrow. As March is here i am looking forward to the reminders of new growth new beginning. God Bless.
You are such a good friend and I am reminded often of how much we miss you. Blessings Wendy
I agree absolutely that it is our assignment to share with others “there is a God and what we need to do, to know Him in a personal way”. Each of us will answer face to face with our Saviour one day. It is nothing to sweep under the carpet for a later time. The time is “now”.
Although the world happenings are saddening, we know it is the Lord’s plan. He is allowing these things to happen to wake people up. Thank you Sharlene for your amazing book and the opportunity it allows others to read and have their questions answered….and to have “HOPE”!
Blessings Barb. I’m actually thinking of starting up a Bible Study based on the Questions in the book. Catherine made the suggestion and perhaps it would open the door to leading some of our neighbours to attend.
Thanks for sharing your spiritual encouragement from the Lord, Sharleen! And for the renewed purpose and hope you felt within your own spirit! That is surely Good News, and because we have a Promise Giving and Keeping God whose mercies never fail and whose faithfulness we can trust through all seasons of life!
Bless you,
Thank You Catherine – how blessed we are to sit under the leadership of 2 wonderful pastors.
Thank you for sharing your experience this past week. We all are overwhelmed with dark news these days. War, COVID-19, racism, social unrest, financial uncertainty…
God always has encouragement for us but often we are not listening for it. You were uplifted because you were open to recieve His hope through the scriptures and the influence of The Holy Spirit. Let us all be open to this same encouragement!
I’ve enjoyed your book immensely. I’ve purchased copies as gifts for several others. I plan to re-read it as situations arise that relate to the various questions.
Thank You Gerry for your kind and encouraging words.